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IPTP Networks’ is getting ready to visit Manila, Philippines.

20 Tháng 2 - 02 Tháng 3, 2023
Sofitel Philippines, Plaza Manila, Manila, Philippines

This time, our team will be visiting “The Pearl of the Orient”, in order to attend the Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies, A.K.A. APRICOT. APRICOT 2023 – APNIC 55.

During this edition, APRICOT resumes its face-to-face meetings in February 2023 following two years of on-line events during the pandemic.

From 20st February to 2rd March 2022 participants will join us at Sofitel Philippines, Plaza Manila, Manila- Philippines.

The idea of the summit is to spread and share the knowledge required to operate the Internet within the Asia Pacific region.

The 9-day event will delight us with: seminars, technical workshops, tutorials, conference sessions, peering forum, birds-of-a-feather (BOF) sessions.

Many of the world’s best Internet engineers attend APRICOT either to teach, present or do their own human networking.

Are you planning to attend APRICOT?

Do let us know!! It would be great to see you there.

Contact us for a meeting arrangement at marketingiptp.net.

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